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Welcome to Blaze World! You’ve joined some of the lucky few who have discovered Blaze’s music and life story. It’s a small family you’ve joined and we’re glad you’re here.

We’ll be uploading stories from his friends and fans, feel free to submit your stories to and we’ll add it here. In the meantime, have a look around at the purty pitchers and stuff.

Kevin Triplett

Author Kevin Triplett

Long term researcher into the lore of Blaze Foley, creator of the Duct Tape Messiah documentary film on Blaze.

More posts by Kevin Triplett

Join the discussion 22 Comments

  • Topper says:

    I heard the Moonlight Song a few years back and always play it now. At open stages and kitchen parties etc. I love that song and can picture Blaze sitting in his tree house singing it to the woods. Now when folks ask, “Who’s Blaze Foley?” I can direct them to this site. When life gets crazy with the wife, kids, work struggle I think of folks like Blaze who lived for the song he lived what he sang about and did it for himself as much as to teach us how we should be. Thanks for your site. ♫

    • Steve Saunders says:

      I’m a huge Prine fan and when I heard the respect in his voice when introducing Clay Pigeons, I went on the hunt. Through YouTube and Ethan Hawke’s Blaze I’ve learned a lot and have become a fan. I love a good writer and the storytellers of life and the human condition. I’m loving the journey so far, which has lasted only seven hours, so I have a long ride in front of me. Thanks!

  • Patricia Lopez says:

    My husband and I saw Ethan Hawke on Jimmy Fallon tonight show and Ethan was talking about a movie he directed. I personally love Ethan for his talent but what got my attention was his excitement about Blaze. I started looking at the reviews for the movie and again it got more of my attention. I love that the movie is about a Texas musician which interests me since I’m from Houston and I’m a music/movie fanatic. My husband and I will be planning date night at River Oaks Theater to see this movie about Blaze Foley. I’ll give my review later in the weekend. Thank you 🎼🎶🎵

  • M.D. Andrus says:

    And Not Turn Back

    It’s there
    Just there
    I remember the mention of a wind that blows
    And he’s standing there
    Waiting on farewells

    I realize I’m holding my breath, and
    We’re waiting too
    Watching the soft light fade
    Will it be a muted wave
    A wink of an eye
    a smile
    Or just turn, and not turn back…

    And I say, please
    Just awhile
    I believe you have something that belongs
    To me…

    I think he smiles as he turns away and says
    “I’m sorry, but it travels

    With me…”



    In memory of Michael David Fuller


    Blaze Foley

  • Cynthia Love says:

    I saw BLAZE two days ago and my musical world is different now. I’ve always been drawn to the Texans & their music and for some reason, was never aware of Blaze Foley, but I sure am now.

    • Ryan Porter says:

      If you haven’t already, Get Duct Tape Messiah. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed BLAZE, especially with Kevin Triplett being hired on as a producer. And Charlie Sexton did really well tackling a virtually impossible role. But Kevin’s documentary not only covers so much more of Blaze’s life,….you’re also getting the stories directly from all the people that truly knew & loved him. Just my stupid opinion, but it’s also the truth 😉

      The ‘Deluxe Edition’ is only $18. Plus (in addition to the 80 minute director’s cut), you also get 3 hours of rare archival video performances by Blaze, additional animation, more interviews, and deleted scenes.

      • Skye Milliman says:

        I haven’t seen Blaze yet, I went first for Duct Tape Messiah because I wanted to hear from people who knew him and miss him, and see footage of the real Blaze. It’s wonderful…and heartbreaking.

    • Chuck D says:

      What a genius this man was. I close my eyes and listen and I’m immediately transformed. Beautiful

  • Michael Zurovec says:

    In reference to the pic of Blaze playing at the Showdown in Austin, can anyone tell me whose guitar he his playing? Thanks.

  • Ed says:

    Blaze grew up in San Antonio,TX.. Does anyone know in what area? Thxs

  • Francie Irvine says:

    Brilliant musician, just come across him today.. I was born same year, (September) 1949, in Scotland. Like Blaze I too had polio, with similar shorter leg. Shame he died so young, and in such tragic circumstances. Quite a roll call of polio musicians out there – Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Donovan, Ian Dury, Judy Collins, Steve Harley, Blaze…would have been some super-group… 😮

  • I just discovered Blaze through Ethan Hawke’s film. I was always a Townes fan, and am doing a tribute program to them both on KGNU, tune in to or go to the archives for Highway 322 for 4/18/19. -Elena in Boulder, Colorado KGNU

  • charlie johnson says:

    That is the down side of the music business.Often you have to die to be famous.I have almost died but didn’t see any signs of fame.There must be more to it than that.I really like his music.

  • Jack Holdridge says:

    I’ve heard about Ethan’s movie on Blaze and tonight I’m setting here in a dark living room watching it.
    I see it as a story raw and beautiful. Blaze seems to have been both creative and raw. He is a great inspiration and I can’t wait to learn more of his songs!

  • Jason Hampton says:

    As I sit here at 3am listening to the rain fall after discovering Blaze’s music I’m writing this. Blown away by what I’ve heard, I’m at a loss of what to say. I hear a train’s horn as it rolls by, and to me, it’s Blaze saying hi.

  • larry dixon says:

    Just like some many others, GOD took them before we were ready for them to go. We continue to be blessed by their music and memories

  • Doris Walker says:

    I knew Blaze in the 80’s through his friend and lawyer, Peggy. I had forgotten the witness protection story about the first album on Vital Records. Good times! Lol! I have a sealed copy of that album from those days. I’m not sure If this is allowed, but if anyone would like to buy it from me, I would take offers. It was a wonderful time to live in Austin!

  • Dwain Fuller says:

    I came across Blaze years ago through Lucinda Williams’s, Drunken Angel, whom I incidentally discovered through a novel where the protagonist was a Lucinda fan. That aside, I have been interested for a long while in Blaze’s genealogy. As you can see, we share the same surname and my family traces back through Arkansas. I was wondering if we may somehow be related. I can’t find much on his family background. Can anyone shed light on this?

    • Hi Dwain — you can email me directly at and I can get you in touch with some of the family members. As far as I know, the Fuller side of the family hails from northern Georgia, but I could be wrong. I’d love to know the title of the book you referenced.

  • timoel roth says:

    I’m so glad and sad to have discovered Blaze. I saw Duct tape messiah and the Blaze movie. I think the documentary is much better if you want to learn about the man and his life.
    The story and his songs made me cry and that is a lot coming from a man from Finland. What a beautiful soul and deep lyrics. You’ll get yours aplenty is my favourite song. Brings to mind Sixto Rodriguez’s Lifestyles.

    Just wanted to say thanks for the site, his artwork is great too.

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